Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Run cycle link

So I got it to load.  This is the run cycle I did in Maya.  just a simple run.  No squash and Stretch or anything.  I didn't think it would need it.  Comments and tips welcomed.  Hope you guys like.


Amaury Jimenez said...

Thanks for the comment on my animation. I tried to view your run cycle but I no longer have facebook.

Amaury Jimenez said...

That's a really solid run cycle. The up and down looks good and I really like the arms and hands. They have a nice path of action and nice overlap. The areas that could use some more work are in the hips. You can add some rotation in all the axis to really sell the weight. The shoulders are the same but think about how they work together. The hips will lean one way and the shoulders will lean in the opposite direction for balance. The head has some overlap but could use I little bit more. Hope that helps man.

Tyree said...

Thanks man. That helps a lot. I was thinking about the hips and shoulders but wasn't really sure about it, but I see now that it would've helped. Thanks again man. Will have other runs and walk cycles posted in the future.

Antonio Santamaria said...

Thanks for your visit to my blog Tyree! It's really great to see you by there! :-)